Assyrian "Gubibate" Fried Kubba | Torpedo Shaped Croquettes
Gubibate is a savory Assyrian dish made of bulgur wheat, onions, finely ground beef, lamb, or goat meat. Gubibate can be fried, baked, cooked in broth, or served raw. King Ashurnasirpal II (900 BCE) was enjoying "gubibate" way before they became popular! Gubibate are more commonly known as kibbeh, kubba, kbebat today.
4 cups bulgur wheat, (fine ground)
2 Tbl salt
1 Tbl ground black pepper (fine)
1 Tbl cayenne pepper
4 cups cold water
1 cups onions, (finely chopped)
3 lbs lean ground beef (85%)
3 lbs lean ground beef (85%)
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1 Tbl ground black pepper
1 Tbl ground allspice
3.5 cups onions (finely diced)
1 Tbl salt
Prepare all of the ingredients accordingly before cooking.
Combine the bulgur wheat and salt. Add cold water and stir. Let soak for 15-20 minutes.
While the bulgur wheat is soaking, in a large sauté pan, begin working on the filling by adding the ground beef. Break the ground beef into smaller pieces with your spatula while cooking. When all of the liquid is evaporated, add the spices, onions and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Remove and let cool.
Now come back to the dough. Add the black pepper, cayenne, and onions and mix well. Then, work the ground beef into the mixture and knead for several minutes until fully mixed. Refrigerate for about 15 minutes.
Fill the dough
Cut a piece of dough to the size of a walnut.
Press it to make a pocket and add the filling, pinch and close.
Gently flatten the closed ball into a torpedo (football) shape.
Place on a parchment-lined sheet or tray.
Repeat the steps above until you finish the dough and filling mix.
Deep fry the gubibate until crispy and golden.
Serve with yogurt cucumber salad. Enjoy!